We are back online!
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- Written by: Oliver Uwira
- Category: Club ›› News
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- Hits: 472

Almost one year has passed since our web site had gone black but now, finally, we are back online. As of now, though, we have not yet restored most of the old content. This will be done step by step over the following weeks. Current news, however, will be published again on this site as it used to be usual.
Why, after all, has our site been offline for such a long time. This is a long story, which we do not wish to present here in too much detail.
Should we do this, the story would revolve around lack of time, backups that were too old and updates that weren't installed. The story would tell of the Content Management System Joomla 3 going out of maintenance, as well as the newest version of PHP still compatible with Joomla 3.
The finishing touch of the story would be a forced upgrade of PHP put in place by our provider and the resulting corruption of our installation of Joomla 3.
We are aware of the fact that this story would become a very long one indeed, and thus we would like to close at this point with the following conclusion: We are back online!